Projects in Progress
أرض ووطن للمقاولات تبدأ تنفيذ مشروع إنشاء مدرسة جديدة في كفر قدوم – قلقيلية
أرض ووطن للمقاولات تنفذ مشروع بناء بوابة مدخل جماعين الشرقي
أرض ووطن للمقاولات تبدأ تنفيذ مشروع بناء مخازن خاصة لعائلة شهاب في نابلس
أرض ووطن للمقاولات تبدأ تنفيذ أعمال بناء جسر معدني معلق في وادي القلط – أريحا
بدء تنفيذ مشروع إنشاء محلات المجمع التجاري في أريحا
بدء تنفيذ مشروع ورشة تجليس ودهان السيارات للشركة المتحدة في بيتونيا
Completed Projects
Bidya Vocational School Construction Project
Extra Floors Addition Project to Jawwal Building in Tulkarem
Mr. Al-Qasas Residential Building Project
Retaining Walls Construction in Jalboun
Building Residential Villas owned by Oredoo Managers in Jericho
Car Maintenance Building Project - Sheikh Khalifa Nablus Center
Construction of public, commercial, housing and steel buildings in skeleton and finish phases
Public Buildings
Construction and expansion of public sector institutions like governmental buildings, schools, and offices
Different forms of roads projects, such as road infrastructures, asphalt mixtures and landmarks
Electrical & Mechanical
Different electrical and mechanical works within construction projects
Sewage and Treatment
Sewage lines, stores, and waster water treatment plants
Main water lines, water tanks, and water treatment plants
Construction of public, commercial and private buildings, as well as steel structures both in skeleton or finishing phases.
Public Buildings
Construction and expansion of public sector institutions like governmental buildings, schools, and offices
Different forms of roads projects, such as road infrastructures, asphalt mixtures and landmarks
Electrical & Mechanical
Different electrical and mechanical works within construction projects
Sewage and Treatment
Sewage lines, stores, and waster water treatment plants
Main water lines, water tanks, and water treatment plants
Our Staff

Eng. Naiem Badr

Eng. Ahmad Badr

Aya Sadder
Financial Officer

Eng. Ola Aqqad
Project Control Engineer

Eng. Ahmad Mlitat
Projects Manager

Eng. Al-Ghali Shihab
Office Engineer

Eng. Shurouq Sharqawi
Project Manager
Our Staff

Eng. Naiem Badr

Eng. Ahmad Badr

Aya Sadder
Financial Officer

Eng. Ola Aqqad
Project Control Engineer

Eng. Ahmad Mlitat
Projects Manager

Eng. Al-Ghali Shihab
Office Engineer

Eng. Shurouq Sharqawi
Project Manager
Our News
Launch of the company's profile for 2021
Car Maintenance Building Begins - Sheikh Khalifa Nablus Center
Business starts in Bedia after signing an agreement
Our Clients
Different governmental entities such as ministries, municipalities and local branches
Non Government Organizations
Different projects of nongovernmental organizations with different sizes, this includes charity organizations, clubs, ..etc
Private sector and personal projects, such as houses and offices
Our Clients
Different governmental entities such as ministries, municipalities and local branches
Non Government Organizations
Different projects of nongovernmental organizations with different sizes, this includes charity organizations, clubs, ..etc
Private sector and personal projects, such as houses and offices